All posts by LadyLively

  • CBD: How Much Pain Relief Is Real and How Much Is Placebo?

    CBD is all the rage, and millions of people are turning to it for a host of reasons, including pain relief. But despite CBD’s popularity and widespread use, new research finds it’s actual benefits are less clear....

    • Posted April 29, 2021
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  • COVID-19 and Advanced Diabetes Can Be a Deadly Mix: Study

    COVID-19 is never a good diagnosis, but health risks are especially high in people with poorly controlled, advanced diabetes, a new study confirms. The new report looked at pooled data from 22 studies that included a total...

    • Posted April 29, 2021
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  • New Advice for Blood Pressure That’s a Bit Too High

    If making healthy lifestyle changes doesn’t lower a patient’s slightly high blood pressure within six months, doctors should then consider prescribing medication, a new American Heart Association scientific statement advises. The recommendation is for people with untreated...

    • Posted April 29, 2021
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  • Good Stroke Recovery May Depend on Your ZIP Code: Study

    Stroke recovery tends to be worse among Americans in poorer neighborhoods than those in wealthier neighborhoods, a new study finds. “People in less advantaged neighborhoods were more likely to have more disability, lower quality of life and...

    • Posted April 29, 2021
    • 16
  • Who Is Using Herbal Kratom?

    Herbal kratom is used by less than 1% of the U.S. population, but the rate is much higher among those who misuse opioid painkillers, a new study finds. Kratom is used to manage pain and opioid withdrawal....

    • Posted April 29, 2021
    • 14
  • One Reason It’s Hotter in Poorer Neighborhoods: Fewer Trees

    Poor neighborhoods in the United States have fewer trees and are hotter than richer neighborhoods, new research shows. In the study, the researchers assessed tree cover in the 100 largest urban areas of the country. In nine...

    • Posted April 29, 2021
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  • Being Born Even a Bit Early Might Hamper Child’s Development

    Being born even slightly premature might still raise a child’s risk of developmental problems, a new study finds. Preemies often have developmental issues, but previous research has tended to focus on those born extremely preterm (22-26 weeks’...

    • Posted April 29, 2021
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  • About 1 in 7 Who Get Pfizer Vaccine Will Have Any ‘Systemic’ Side Effect: Study

    Only 13.5% of people will suffer systemic side effects after getting Pfizer’s coronavirus vaccine, a new study finds. These systemic symptoms include headache, fatigue and tenderness. Most side effects are mild and peak in the day after...

    • Posted April 28, 2021
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  • Pfizer/Moderna Vaccine Protection: 64% at First Dose, 94% at Second

    There’s some sobering news for the millions of Americans who skipped their second coronavirus vaccine dose: Doing so could greatly reduce their odds of avoiding severe illness. In a “real-world” study of 417 adults aged 65 or...

    • Posted April 28, 2021
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  • Gender-Affirming Surgeries Improve Mental Health in Young, Study Says

    When gender-diverse or transgender people have surgeries to affirm their gender, they experience a variety of positive mental health outcomes, new research shows. The study found an association between the surgeries, which participants had at least two...

    • Posted April 28, 2021
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