All posts by LadyLively

  • Exercise Rehab Should Include Stroke Survivors, Study Suggests

    Exercise programs that are standard for heart attack survivors can also benefit people who’ve suffered a stroke, a new pilot study suggests. Researchers found that a three-month cardiac rehabilitation program improved fitness levels and muscle strength in...

    • Posted January 27, 2021
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  • Why Does ‘Mono’ Sometimes Turn Into Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?

    While most people know about mononucleosis, the dreaded “kissing” disease that knocks down teenagers and young adults, many don’t know there is a link between “mono” and chronic fatigue syndrome. Now, new research that followed college students...

    • Posted January 27, 2021
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  • AHA News: Statistics Report Puts Spotlight on Pregnancy and Heart Health

    WEDNESDAY, Jan. 27, 2021 (American Heart Association News) — Complications during pregnancy are widespread, becoming more common and often overlooked as warning signs about a woman’s heart health. Which is why for the first time, in an...

    • Posted January 27, 2021
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  • COVID Antibody Treatments Exceed Expectations in Early Trials

    There’s some much-needed good news on both the treatment and prevention of COVID-19. On the treatment front, promising new data on two coronavirus antibody cocktails suggests these therapies can keep patients out of the hospital and even...

    • Posted January 27, 2021
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  • Health Highlights: Jan. 27, 2021

    Biden to Reopen Insurance Markets to Help with COVID Coverage An executive order to reopen the insurance markets for a special sign-up for Americans who need coverage during the COVID-19 pandemic is expected to be...

    • Posted January 27, 2021
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  • There’s ‘A Path Forward’ to Reopening Schools, CDC Officials Say

    With most in-person classes curtailed or canceled in schools across the United States since last spring, kids and their parents have had a really tough year. However, new studies suggest a return to in-person classes could be...

    • Posted January 27, 2021
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  • Nearly Half of Americans Want COVID Vaccine ASAP, Numbers Rising Since December: Poll

    Nearly half of all Americans want to get the COVID-19 vaccine as soon as they can, a new poll suggests. That percentage is even higher among those who know someone who has already been vaccinated. “Perhaps more...

    • Posted January 27, 2021
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  • COVID Survivor’s Plasma Saves His Mother-in-Law’s Life

    A seriously ill, immunocompromised patient with COVID-19 was cured with an infusion of convalescent plasma from her son-in-law, according to a new study that details the case. The turnaround in the 72-year-old’s condition was profound. Her 104-degree...

    • Posted January 27, 2021
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  • Heart Disease Remains No. 1 Killer, But COVID Will Have Big Impact

    Heart disease is likely to remain the world’s leading cause of death for years to come, partially due to effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, an American Heart Association report predicts. Heart disease deaths worldwide rose 17.1% over...

    • Posted January 27, 2021
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  • Worse COVID Illness May Mean Stronger Immune Protection After

    People who’ve recovered from severe COVID-19 may have stronger long-term immune protection from reinfection than those with milder illness, researchers report. They examined blood samples from 39 COVID-19 patients and 10 people who hadn’t been exposed to...

    • Posted January 27, 2021
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