All posts by LadyLively

  • AHA News: COVID-19 Registries Offer Lessons Beyond the Coronavirus

    WEDNESDAY, Jan. 20, 2021 (American Heart Association News) — As the U.S. marks one year since the arrival of SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus has made history in epic and terrible ways. But it also sparked innovative and inspiring...

    • Posted January 20, 2021
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  • Dental Practices Rebound as U.S. Dentists Look Forward to COVID Vaccine

    The coronavirus pandemic hit dental practices hard early in 2020, as COVID-19 fears kept millions of Americans from seeking routine oral health care. But as dental offices have ratcheted up their safety measures, more patients have steadily...

    • Posted January 20, 2021
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  • America Sees COVID Deaths Top 400,000, While New Variants Worry Scientists

    The tragic milestone was reached before a COVID-19 memorial service began in the nation’s capital Tuesday evening: More than 400,000 Americans have now died from the new coronavirus. “To heal, we must remember,” President-elect Joe Biden said...

    • Posted January 20, 2021
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  • Health Highlights: Jan. 20, 2021

    NYC May Run Out of COVID-19 Vaccines New York City’s COVID-19 vaccination rate has outpaced its supply of vaccine, and the city could run out of doses in the next few days, Mayor Bill de Blasio said...

    • Posted January 20, 2021
    • 6
  • Stressed Out By the News? Here’s Tips to Help Cope

    Be kind to your heart and health and turn off the news, doctors say. Northwestern University experts suggest checking in on current events a couple of times a day and no more. Constant updates can fuel anxiety...

    • Posted January 20, 2021
    • 13
  • Alcohol Plays Role in U.S. Cancer Cases, Deaths: Report

    There’s another reason to keep your tippling to a moderate level: Alcohol plays a significant role in cancer cases and deaths in the United States, researchers say. On average, drinking accounted for 4.8% of cancer cases and...

    • Posted January 20, 2021
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  • Pot Use Ups Odds for Suicide in Young People With Bipolar Disorder

    Marijuana addiction increases the risk of death by suicide, homicide and other causes (such as car crashes) in youth and young adults with mood disorders such as bipolar disorder, a new study warns. For the study, the...

    • Posted January 20, 2021
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  • Getting the COVID Vaccine? A Good Night’s Sleep Will Help

    Want to get the most out of your COVID-19 vaccine? Make sure you get some good rest before you get your shot, sleep experts say. That’s because adequate sleep is an important factor in a strong immune...

    • Posted January 20, 2021
    • 14
  • Toddler Tantrums? Pediatricians Offer Tips to Curb Bad Behavior

    WEDNESDAY, Jan. 20, 2021 (HealthDay News) – Toddler behavior won’t always be good. Outbursts are normal. Yet, you can also use those aggravating moments to help shape your little one’s behavior, according to the American Academy of...

    • Posted January 20, 2021
    • 6
  • Promising Steps Toward Retinal Cell Transplants to Fight Blindness

    A promising step toward using retinal cell transplants to treat blindness is reported in a new study. Adult retinal stem cells from deceased human donors survived when they were transplanted into the eyes of non-human primates, according...

    • Posted January 19, 2021
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