All posts by LadyLively

  • Health Highlights: Aug. 27, 2020

    Maine Summer Camps Identified, Isolated COVID-19 Cases U.S. Nursing Home Staff Must Be Tested Regularly for COVID: White House Polio Eradicated in Africa: WHO Changes to CDC's COVID-19 Testing Guidelines Trigger Concern

    • Posted August 27, 2020
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  • Survivors’ Plasma Still a Solid Option for Treating COVID-19, Experts Say

    Despite the wave of criticism that has followed the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s emergency approval of convalescent plasma to treat COVID-19 patients, infectious disease experts say the therapy remains promising. Some scientists have questioned both the...

    • Posted August 26, 2020
    • 11
  • Thousands of COVID Cases Already Turning Up on College Campuses

    Just weeks after colleges across the United States reopened their campuses for the fall semester, thousands of coronavirus infections are cropping up in students and staff alike. More than 1,500 American colleges and universities were tallied in...

    • Posted August 26, 2020
    • 7
  • Health Highlights: Aug. 26, 2020

    U.S. Nursing Home Staff Must Be Tested Regularly for COVID: White House Polio Eradicated in Africa: WHO Changes to CDC's COVID-19 Testing Guidelines Trigger Concern Olympian Usain Bolt Reported to Have COVID-19 Plasma Therapy for COVID-19 Still Experimental: WHO

    • Posted August 26, 2020
    • 15
  • Quit Smoking to Cut Risk of Death From A-Fib

    Smokers with the most common type of heart rhythm disorder can reduce their risk of stroke and death by giving up cigarettes, a new study says. “Smoking precipitates blood clots that could lead to a stroke, which...

    • Posted August 25, 2020
    • 5
  • Blood Pressure Meds Don’t Raise Risk of Depression

    If you have hypertension and you’re depressed, don’t blame your blood pressure drugs. Although previous research hinted there might be a connection between high blood pressure medications and depression, a new study of dozens of commonly used...

    • Posted August 25, 2020
    • 14
  • Not So Sudden: Many Seek Medical Help 2 Weeks Before Cardiac Arrest

    Nearly 6 in 10 people who suffered an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest sought medical help in the previous two weeks, a new study finds. Cardiac arrest is fatal within minutes if untreated, and less than 10% of victims...

    • Posted August 25, 2020
    • 17
  • Just Like COVID, Severe Flu Can Trigger Heart Crises

    Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, a new U.S. study serves as a reminder of how severe the seasonal flu can be. Researchers found that among 90,000 Americans hospitalized with the flu, 12% had a serious heart complication, including...

    • Posted August 25, 2020
    • 13
  • Making a COVID-19 Vaccine Is Tough, Distributing It Might Be Tougher

    As the race to develop a safe and effective coronavirus vaccine unfolds around the globe, experts say the sheer logistics of vaccinating the masses might be even more daunting. “The challenge we face now is really the...

    • Posted August 25, 2020
    • 14
  • Scientists Challenge Key Survival Stat Cited by U.S. Officials in Plasma Approval

    As the World Health Organization cautioned on Monday that using plasma from COVID-19 survivors to treat other patients is still an experimental therapy, American scientists challenged a key statistic cited by U.S. officials as grounds for emergency...

    • Posted August 25, 2020
    • 13