All posts by LadyLively

  • Coffee: Good for You or Not?

    Coffee has been tied to many potential health benefits, but people should drink it for pleasure, and not disease prevention. That’s one of the main conclusions of a new research review. In it, researchers give an overview...

    • Posted July 22, 2020
    • 4
  • Will Your Brain Stay Sharp Into Your 90s? Certain Factors Are Key

    Some people in their 90s stay sharp whether their brain harbors amyloid protein plaques — a hallmark of Alzheimer’s disease — or not, but why? That’s the question researchers sought answers for among 100 people without dementia,...

    • Posted July 22, 2020
    • 6
  • For Cancer Patients, Getting COVID-19 Raises Death Risk 16-Fold

    COVID-19 is no joke for tens of thousands of ill Americans, but a new report shows just how dangerous it can be for those already fighting cancer. The study was based on an analysis of the health...

    • Posted July 22, 2020
    • 4
  • Early Dialysis Doesn’t Improve Outcomes With Acute Kidney Failure

    For critically ill patients with acute kidney injury, early dialysis doesn’t reduce death any more than standard care does, new research finds. “Studying a large number of patients from many countries across different hospital settings gives us...

    • Posted July 22, 2020
    • 2
  • AHA News: Enjoy a Nap, But Know the Pros and Cons

    WEDNESDAY, July 22, 2020 (American Heart Association News) — You could read this story now. Or you could take a nap first, and perhaps tackle it feeling more alert and refreshed. Health-wise, is that a good idea?...

    • Posted July 22, 2020
    • 13
  • Antibodies Fade a Few Weeks After Mild COVID-19, Study Finds

    Hopes for robust, long-term antibody protection after a bout of COVID-19 have been dampened by a new study that finds the protection may only last a few months. Still, experts noted that the body’s immune system has...

    • Posted July 22, 2020
    • 16
  • Pandemic Has Half of U.S. Hospitals Operating at a Loss: Report

    The COVID-19 pandemic has America’s hospitals on the fiscal ropes, with many facing financial ruin without continued aid from the federal government, a new report predicts. Average hospital margins across the nation could sink to −7% in...

    • Posted July 22, 2020
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  • Gene Could Explain Why Some Women Don’t Need Pain Relief in Childbirth

    A genetic variant that acts as a natural pain reliever may explain why some women don’t require pain relief during childbirth, researchers say. The level of pain and discomfort experienced during childbirth varies widely, so researchers at...

    • Posted July 22, 2020
    • 1
  • Coronavirus Death Toll Tops 1,000 as Trump Warns the Worst is Still to Come

    For the first time in nearly two months the daily U.S. coronavirus death toll topped 1,000 on Tuesday, with President Donald Trump acknowledging that the country’s outbreak will likely “get worse before it gets better.” Trump’s comments...

    • Posted July 22, 2020
    • 8
  • Health Highlights: July 22, 2020

    Company That Received Federal Funding to Develop Coronavirus Vaccine Plans to Profit From It No Spike in Cases of Polio-Like Condition in Children: CDC Salmonella Outbreak in 15 States Being Investigated by CDC German Researchers Plan Concert Study to Track...

    • Posted July 22, 2020
    • 14