All posts by LadyLively

  • How to Avoid a Breakout When You Work Out

    While working out might boost your health and mood, it also might cause your skin to break out. But don’t kick your New Year’s resolutions to the curb just yet, because dermatologists say that exercise-induced acne can...

    • Posted January 25, 2020
    • 14
  • A Flu Shot May Spare Your Young Child a Hospital Visit

    This flu season is hitting children particularly hard, but new research shows that a flu shot is still well worth it for these youngest patients. Getting vaccinated halved the risk of hospitalization for flu-related complications among young...

    • Posted January 24, 2020
    • 8
  • Many of America’s Most Critical Workers Are Short on Their Zzzs

    More than one-third of working Americans don’t get enough sleep, and the problem is greatest among the police, the military, health care workers and truckers, researchers report. Their analysis of data from more than 150,000 employed adults...

    • Posted January 24, 2020
    • 5
  • Faulty Immune System May Lead to Lung Cancer

    An immune system that’s not functioning normally may lead to lung cancer in patients who don’t smoke, a new study suggests. “A strong immune system helps to keep inflammation under control and chronic inflammation is known to...

    • Posted January 24, 2020
    • 12
  • Health Highlights: Jan. 24, 2020

    New Hospital Being Built in China for Coronavirus Outbreak, as Death Toll Rises to 26 Nearly Half of U.S. Smokers Not Advised by Doctors to Quit: Surgeon General

    • Posted January 24, 2020
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  • Health Tip: Preventing E. coli Infection

    Escherichia coli (E. coli) is a bacterium that lives in the intestines of healthy people and animals, says Mayo Clinic. A few strains found in contaminated water or food can cause abdominal cramps, bloody diarrhea and vomiting....

    • Posted January 24, 2020
    • 10
  • Health Tip: Avoiding Stinky Feet

    Closed-toe shoes and sweaty feet are a recipe for foot odor and infection. Your feet start to smell when the bacteria on your skin and in your shoes consume your sweat, says Cleveland Clinic. To avoid stinky...

    • Posted January 24, 2020
    • 14
  • Health Tip: Remedies for Sore Elbow

    Elbow pain can keep you from a normal daily life, says Harvard Medical School. The school mentions these possible remedies for an aching elbow: Rest. Take a break from overusing the muscle group that may be behind...

    • Posted January 23, 2020
    • 16
  • Health Tip: Warning Signs of Drowsy Driving

    Drowsy driving was responsible for more than 72,000 vehicle crashes in 2013, according to the most recent statistics available from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Drowsiness slows your reaction time, affects your ability to...

    • Posted January 23, 2020
    • 2
  • This Year’s Flu Season Taking Deadly Aim at Kids

    How bad or how long this year’s flu season will be remains to be seen. But one thing is already clear: It’s proving to be an especially lethal season for infected children. Fueled by a strain of...

    • Posted January 22, 2020
    • 14