All posts by LadyLively

  • Could You Be Allergic to Additives?

    You suddenly break out in a rash or your throat gets scratchy. You assume you’re allergic to something … maybe pollen or a detergent. But could you be allergic to something in your food or medicine, and...

    • Posted December 25, 2019
    • 16
  • The Pluses of ‘Steady-State’ Training

    It’s hard to escape all the fanfare surrounding HIIT, or high-intensity interval training, which prevents plateaus by keeping your body at your max heart rate for very short intervals. But another training approach called steady-state training, or...

    • Posted December 25, 2019
    • 10
  • Is Green the Feel-Good Color of the Holidays?

    There’s one type of green Christmas that’s likely to bring joy to gift-givers and recipients alike, a new Canadian study suggests. That’s one based on green consumerism — a push to buy gifts produced in ways that...

    • Posted December 25, 2019
    • 9
  • Health Tip: 9 Ways to Cut Down on Drinking

    Whether you’re drinking too much or too often, drinking alcohol to excess is a habit that some people want to better control. Harvard Medical School suggests ways to curb drinking: Make a list of reasons to limit...

    • Posted December 25, 2019
    • 8
  • Health Tip: Signs of a Herniated Disc

    The bones that form your spine are cushioned by round discs. A herniated disc is a disc that has been pushed out of place, says the American Association of Neurological Surgeons. The group mentions warning signs of...

    • Posted December 25, 2019
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  • How to Stay Fit When You’re Traveling for Work or Fun

    If you travel a lot for business or pleasure, you may think that the most exercise possible is lugging your bags in and out of a car or through an airport. But it’s important to get in...

    • Posted December 24, 2019
    • 7
  • Could Your Indigestion Be GERD?

    Heartburn. Millions of people suffer from it. But what exactly is it and, most important, could it actually be something serious? Heartburn got its name from the burning sensation you get when acid that rises up from...

    • Posted December 24, 2019
    • 9
  • Prepared Bystanders Save Lives When Cardiac Arrest Strikes

    Few Americans survive cardiac arrest when it happens outside a hospital, but if more people knew how to recognize it and do CPR the odds might be better, a new study finds. Only about 8% of those...

    • Posted December 24, 2019
    • 12
  • Kids’ ‘Microbiome’ May Play Key Role in Asthma

    Microbes that live in a child’s upper airway could be linked to severe asthma attacks, new research suggests. For parents, it’s an all-too familiar scene: A child’s seemingly harmless cough quickly escalates to wheezing, gasping and an...

    • Posted December 24, 2019
    • 5
  • Health Highlights: Dec. 24, 2019

    FDA Approves First Generic Versions of Popular Blood Thinner

    • Posted December 24, 2019
    • 15