All posts by LadyLively

  • Health Tip: Avoiding Cabin Fever This Winter

    Sipping hot cocoa on the couch during winter may be a peaceful pursuit. But if cabin fever sets in on you or your family, it may make you very restless. SCL Health gives advice for staying sane...

    • Posted November 25, 2019
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  • Keep Stress Under Control as Holiday Season Starts

    Stress abounds during the holiday season, but you can ease it, an expert says. The way to manage stress is to recognize it and take steps to minimize it so it doesn’t overwhelm you, according to Cinnamon...

    • Posted November 24, 2019
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  • Three Tips for Getting Your Zzzzzz’s

    Many Americans aren’t getting a solid seven hours of sleep a night, putting them at risk for diabetes, heart disease and obesity. But it’s the brain that needs a good night’s sleep the most, according to Dr....

    • Posted November 23, 2019
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  • Health Tip: Five Common First-Aid Myths

    First-aid myths may do more harm than good, says the University of Rochester Medical Center. The school mentions these examples of first-aid folklore, and what to do instead: Putting hot water on frozen skin can cause serious...

    • Posted November 22, 2019
    • 15
  • Health Tip: Strengthen Self-Control

    Whether it involves resisting a piece of chocolate cake or an ice cold beer, fighting temptation may be easier said than done. But with clear goals, self-monitoring and practice, you can improve your self-control, says the American...

    • Posted November 21, 2019
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  • Health Tip: Thanksgiving and Your Heart Health

    Though Thanksgiving dinner is treasured by many Americans, the meal typically isn’t heart-healthy. Including holiday staples such as mashed potatoes and stuffing, the traditional feast is full of fatty, high-cholesterol foods, says the University of Wisconsin-Madison. For...

    • Posted November 21, 2019
    • 13
  • Study Spots Ties Between Rheumatoid Arthritis, Other Diseases

    People with inflammatory bowel disease, type 1 diabetes or blood clots may be at increased risk for rheumatoid arthritis — and people with rheumatoid arthritis are at added risk for heart disease, blood clots and sleep apnea,...

    • Posted November 20, 2019
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  • It’s Not Just Menopause to Blame for Older Women’s Flagging Sex Drive

    It’s not uncommon for a woman’s sex life to slow down with age, but hormones aren’t the only reason she might not be in the mood, a new study suggests. Postmenopausal issues, such as vaginal dryness or...

    • Posted November 20, 2019
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  • Health Highlights: Nov.20, 2019

    Juul Sued by California for Targeting Teens Feather Bedding Caused Man's Serious Respiratory Condition

    • Posted November 20, 2019
    • 15
  • Health Tip: Identifying Melanoma

    About 75 percent of melanomas emerge as new spots that appear in normal skin, says DermNet New Zealand. Because melanoma can quickly become life-threatening, it’s important to know early signs of the disease. DermNet mentions these symptoms...

    • Posted November 20, 2019
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