All posts by LadyLively

  • Setting Preschoolers on an Active Path

    Physical activity is closely linked to development of a child’s mental skills — ones essential to academic success and navigating challenges they’ll face throughout life. Studies show that boosts in thinking ability, or executive function, often follow...

    • Posted February 12, 2019
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  • Opioids Overprescribed for Common Children’s Fracture, Study Says

    Children who have surgery for a broken elbow may be overprescribed potentially addictive opioid painkillers, a new study finds. Overprescription includes giving kids too many opioids when they are sent home — raising the risk that any...

    • Posted February 12, 2019
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  • New Hepatitis Meds Are Saving Lives: Study

    New (and pricey) hepatitis C medicines, such as Harvoni and Sovaldi, are living up to their promise and greatly reducing patients’ odds for liver cancer and death, a new French study finds. The news came as little...

    • Posted February 12, 2019
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  • Unfit Teens Often Grow Into Sickly Middle Age, Study Shows

    Teen boys who are unfit and/or obese have higher odds for chronic disease and disability as adults, according to a large Swedish study. Researchers followed more than 1 million boys for an average of 28 years, starting...

    • Posted February 12, 2019
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  • Food or Heart Meds? Many Americans Must Make a Choice

    Millions of Americans with heart disease say they face financial strain because of their medical care, with some skipping meds or cutting back on basics like groceries. That’s the finding of a new national study of heart...

    • Posted February 12, 2019
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  • Health Highlights: Feb. 12, 2019

    A.I. May Help Diagnose Patients Out-of-Pocket Costs for Employer Health Insurance on the Rise 'Ultraprocessed' Foods Tied to Higher Death Risk: Study Measles Outbreak Triggers Sharp Rise in Demand for Vaccine in Washington State

    • Posted February 12, 2019
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  • Health Tip: Anti-Aging Skin Suggestions

    As we age, so does our skin. With that comes wrinkles and age spots. While wrinkle creams, eye serums and other products can diminish signs of aging, the most effective anti-aging plan begins with healthy skin habits,...

    • Posted February 12, 2019
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  • Health Tip: Caregiving After Stroke

    Caring for a loved one after a stroke can be difficult, but with the right information and preparation, you can keep your loved one safe, the American Stroke Association says. The association offers this advice for caregivers:...

    • Posted February 12, 2019
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  • Getting the Most Benefit From Ab Exercises

    Men and women alike want defined abs. But you don’t have to achieve a “six-pack” — the nickname for the three most visible pairs of abdominal muscles — to get the benefits of a stronger middle, needed...

    • Posted February 11, 2019
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  • How Color Can Help You De-Stress

    Many studies have shown that color affects both mood and behavior. Color can help you go from sad to happy or angry to calm. When it comes to mood, there are four primary colors. Though different shades...

    • Posted February 11, 2019
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