All posts by LadyLively

  • Health Tip: Manage the Terrible 3’s

    Three-year-old children may be among the most difficult to manage as they become more independent and talkative. The American Academy of Pediatrics suggests these ways to manage the sometimes terrible 3’s: Be positive, and try to yell...

    • Posted August 23, 2018
    • 12
  • Health Tip: Your Toddler Can Be a Vegetarian

    A well-planned vegetarian diet is healthy for an infant or toddler, the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics says. But it’s crucial to make sure that the young child gets all necessary nutrients, the academy says. These nutrients...

    • Posted August 23, 2018
    • 9
  • Taking a Stand at Work

    Many studies have pointed to the serious health threats of long periods of uninterrupted sitting at home or at work. Even if you get in a 30-minute exercise session a day, that may not be enough to...

    • Posted August 22, 2018
    • 9
  • How to Prevent Your Child From Getting Bullied — or Being a Bully

    With the start of a new school year, bullying will become an issue for many children and their parents. Parents should teach their children to respond to bullying by staying calm; looking the bully in the eye;...

    • Posted August 22, 2018
    • 12
  • Study Explores New Way to Stop Cancer’s Spread

    Scientists say they’re researching a way to destroy cancer cells that travel to other parts of the body. Many cancers become especially dangerous only when they spread (metastasize) from the initial location to other tissues such as...

    • Posted August 22, 2018
    • 10
  • Spine Stimulation May Help Paralyzed Patients Regain Bladder Control

    Many people with spinal cord injuries suffer the loss of bladder control, but a small new study shows that stimulation of the lower spine might help them regain some of that control. The study included five male...

    • Posted August 22, 2018
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  • When Kids Focus on 1 Sport, Overuse Injuries Rise

    Young athletes specializing in one sport may hope it’s a ticket to an athletic scholarship in college, but a new analysis suggests the practice might also doom them to overuse injuries. Pulling data from five prior studies,...

    • Posted August 22, 2018
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  • Health Tip: Prevent Childhood Obesity

    Cases of childhood obesity have risen steadily over the past two decades, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says. Children who are obese are more likely to be bullied, are at higher risk of developing...

    • Posted August 22, 2018
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  • Health Tip: Help Keep Your Teen Healthier

    Adopting healthy patterns during the teen years may lead to a better quality of life as an adult, the American Academy of Family Physicians says. The academy suggests teaching your teen about: Physical Health – Exercise often,...

    • Posted August 22, 2018
    • 11
  • Health Highlights: Aug. 22, 2018

    Trump Plan to Relax Coal-Fired Power Plant Rules Could Lead to 1,400 Deaths a Year FDA Extends EpiPen Expiration Dates to Tackle Shortage

    • Posted August 22, 2018
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