All posts by LadyLively

  • Health Tip: Nail Changes to Take Seriously

    A change in your nails may be no cause for concern, but certain changes should be taken seriously, the American Academy of Dermatology says. The academy suggests visiting a dermatologist at the first sign of: A dark...

    • Posted December 28, 2018
    • 11
  • Health Tip: Understanding Metabolic Syndrome

    Metabolic syndrome is a cluster of disorders that signal a person’s increased risk of diabetes, heart disease and stroke, the American Heart Association says. Symptoms may include high blood pressure, high fasting blood glucose, high cholesterol and...

    • Posted December 27, 2018
    • 13
  • Health Tip: Choose the Right Doctor

    When you’re looking for a new doctor, find someone you feel comfortable talking with, the U.S. National Institute on Aging suggests. The agency offers these additional tips: Locate several doctors who meet your criteria. Read online reviews...

    • Posted December 27, 2018
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  • Follow the Mediterranean Diet for Weight Loss, Too

    When the 2015 U.S. Dietary Guidelines were released, they included details for following the Mediterranean-style diet. That’s the way of eating in countries that border the Mediterranean Sea and has been associated with many health benefits, from...

    • Posted December 26, 2018
    • 12
  • Flexibility: A Must at Every Age

    Flexibility is a component of all types of movement — from everyday activities to the most rigorous exercises. Being flexible helps you stay mobile and avoid injury. Yet flexibility training often gets lost in the shuffle or...

    • Posted December 26, 2018
    • 11
  • The Secret Behind Chicken Soup’s Medical Magic

    Many people rely on chicken noodle soup to soothe a cold, but few know exactly why the warm broth brings relief. But one dietitian can explain its magic. “Studies have shown that a hearty bowl of chicken...

    • Posted December 26, 2018
    • 13
  • Certain Birthmarks Warrant Quick Treatment, Pediatricians Say

    For common birthmarks, doctors should abandon the traditional wait-and-see approach, a leading group of pediatricians says. Instead, physicians should try to identify those that could cause scarring or medical problems and begin immediate treatment, according to a...

    • Posted December 26, 2018
    • 4
  • Head to the Movies, Museums to Keep Depression at Bay

    Movies, the theater and other cultural events can help you fight the blues as you age. And the more you go, the less depressed you’ll be, new research suggests. The British study showed that older folks can...

    • Posted December 26, 2018
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  • Health Highlights: Dec. 26, 2018

    Jennie-O Recalls 164,000 Pounds of Ground Turkey on Salmonella Fears

    • Posted December 26, 2018
    • 17
  • Health Tip: Treating Chapped Lips

    Chapped lips often occur throughout winter, but there are things you can do to prevent them, the Mayo Clinic says. Here are the clinic’s suggestions: Before you go outside in cold weather, apply a lubricating lip cream...

    • Posted December 26, 2018
    • 17