All posts by LadyLively

  • Average American Getting Fatter, but Not Taller

    In a finding that shows the obesity epidemic is far from over, new research reveals that most Americans have grown wider but not taller in the past two decades. Height measurements remained relatively stable during the past...

    • Posted December 20, 2018
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  • 1 in 4 People Over 25 Will Be Hit by Stroke

    THURSDAY, Dec. 20, 2018A quarter of the world’s people over the age of 25 will experience a debilitating stroke during their lifetime, a new study estimates. Rates vary country to country, but in the United States 23...

    • Posted December 20, 2018
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  • Health Highlights: Dec. 20, 2018

    Obamacare Sign-Ups Higher Than Expected Trump Administration Lead Plan Could be 'Sham,' Critic Prescribe Overdose Antidote Along With Opioid Painkillers: FDA Advisory Panels

    • Posted December 20, 2018
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  • Health Tip: Lessen Growing Pains

    Growing pains occur as kids exercise more and their muscles try to keep up. Ironically, these pains aren’t directly caused by the process of growing, the American Academy of Pediatrics says. Generally, parents shouldn’t be too concerned,...

    • Posted December 20, 2018
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  • Health Tip: Dealing With a Pulled Hamstring

    A pulled hamstring is a common injury for athletes who play sports such as track, soccer and basketball. Symptoms of the injury include swelling, bruising or discoloration and weakness in the hamstring. Most hamstring injuries will heal...

    • Posted December 20, 2018
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  • Health Highlights: Dec. 19, 2018

    Tubal Ligation Most Common Birth Control Method Used by U.S. Women New Law Boosts Fight Against Sickle Cell Disease

    • Posted December 19, 2018
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  • High-Protein Snacks That Satisfy

    Does your typical afternoon snack leave you feeling unsatisfied and reaching for more? If your pick-me-up is a bag of salty chips or a chocolate bar, a better (and healthier) way to go is with a high-protein...

    • Posted December 19, 2018
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  • Known Risks Don’t Explain Blacks’ Higher Rates of Sudden Cardiac Death

    A sizable study still can’t explain why black Americans are much more likely than whites to suffer sudden cardiac death. “At the end of the day, we just don’t have a full understanding of why patients who...

    • Posted December 19, 2018
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  • Ballet Class: Not Just Child’s Play Anymore

    Ballet dancers are known for their sleek, sculpted look, in part the result of hours spent exercising at the ballet barre. While not everyone can dance the Nutcracker or Swan Lake, classes in “barre” are now widely...

    • Posted December 19, 2018
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  • Food Allergies Tied to MS Relapses

    Researchers say they’ve identified a potential link between food allergies and flare-ups of multiple sclerosis. “Our findings suggest that MS patients with allergies have more active disease than those without, and that this effect is driven by...

    • Posted December 19, 2018
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