All posts by LadyLively

  • Hispanics Bear Brunt of Exposure to Workplace Hazards: Study

    Exposure to metals and pesticides at work could increase risk of heart disease, researchers say. Hispanic workers in the United States may be especially vulnerable because of language barriers and lower levels of education, the study authors...

    • Posted December 12, 2018
    • 17
  • Fentanyl Now the No. 1 Opioid OD Killer

    As the U.S. opioid epidemic grinds on, fentanyl is fast becoming the main culprit in drug overdose deaths, health officials report. Cocaine and heroin remain the street drugs of choice, but more overdose deaths involve fentanyl, either...

    • Posted December 12, 2018
    • 12
  • ‘Experience to Share’: Facebook Page Helps Families Hit by Polio-Like Illness

    Isolated and afraid, Erin Olivera cast about the internet looking for information about the mysterious paralysis that had stricken her 11-month-old son Lucian. She found next to nothing. No clear reason why over the course of a...

    • Posted December 12, 2018
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  • Health Tip: Celebrate a Healthier Holiday

    The holidays are typically full of tempting meals and desserts. The downside is the resulting weight gain. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention sugests how to keep holiday weight gain at bay: Stay active. Walk...

    • Posted December 12, 2018
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  • Animal, Bug Bites a Billion-Dollar Burden

    The bites of insects, spiders and dogs are a $1 billion yearly drain on the U.S. health care system, a new study has calculated. And climate change is only going to make matters worse, researchers contend. Attacks...

    • Posted December 12, 2018
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  • Health Highlights: Dec. 11, 2018

    Studies Highlight Risks of Red Meat-Rich Diet Record Number of Cases of U.S. Children With Paralyzing Illness: CDC U.S. Supreme Court Rejects States' Appeal Over Medicaid Funding for Planned Parenthood

    • Posted December 11, 2018
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  • Insights Into Women and Stroke Risk

    You might be surprised to learn that stroke is the number three killer of women. Women and men have many of the same risk factors for stroke, but some — like high blood pressure, migraine with aura,...

    • Posted December 11, 2018
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  • Could You Be Short on Vitamin D?

    You’d think vitamin deficiencies would be rare in the United States, but many people are running low on vitamin D, and it’s a serious health threat. Being short on vitamin D not only affects bone density, it’s...

    • Posted December 11, 2018
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  • Nose Holds Clues to Baby’s First Cold

    When a baby starts sniffling and sneezing, the type of bacteria in their nose may predict how long the cold will last, a new study finds. Babies with a wide variety of bacteria in the nose recover...

    • Posted December 11, 2018
    • 9
  • For College Students, ‘Hookup Sex’ More Intimate Than Thought

    Intimacy plays a larger role in casual sex among college students than previously thought, a new U.S. study reports. Researchers analyzed the results of an online survey that asked several hundred students at a university in the...

    • Posted December 11, 2018
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