Health Tip: When Your Child Graduates High School

By on May 3, 2018

Graduating from high school is a milestone that includes some emotional stress for you and your child.

The American Academy of Pediatrics suggests how you can support your child as he or she graduates:

  • Make sure your teen has medical coverage after high school, and that the teen knows how to use it. Many health care plans allow teens and young adults to be covered under their parents’ plan until they are 26.
  • Make sure your child has had all recommended vaccines.
  • If your teen has special mental or physical needs, help your child create a plan to meet those needs.
  • If your teen is going to college, talk with the school about any special accommodations that your child will need.
  • Check in with your child frequently, especially during the first month when the child may not have made close friends.
  • If your child is starting a new job, allow your child more space, but offer guidance about bill paying, health care management and saving money.
  • Maintain open communication about drug andalcohol use.
  • Speak openly about peer pressure, lifestyle choices and sexual decisions.
  • When your child turns 18, you no longer have legal access to academic and health care records. So it is important to maintain clear lines of communication and transparency.
  • Be aware of any lingering feelings of sadness or homesickness that interfere with your child’s ability to work or attend classes.

Source: HealthDay

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