Health Tip: If Your Child Becomes Too Aggressive

By on May 11, 2018

All children become aggressive now and then. But is your youngster prone to long or frequent outbursts? If so, it may be time to see a pediatrician, the American Academy of Pediatrics says.

Providing your child with a stable, warm, and secure home life with firm, yet loving discipline is the best way to prevent aggressive behavior, the academy says.

Sometimes that isn’t enough. The AAP says you should seek the help of a pediatrician if the child:

  • Causes teeth marks, bruises or head injuries on the child or others.
  • Attacks you or other people.
  • Is sent home or is barred from play by neighbors or the child’s school.
  • Causes you to fear for the child’s safety or the safety of others.

Source: HealthDay

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