Health Highlights: Sept.14, 2022​

By on September 14, 2022

Cancers in people under 50 are rising worldwide. While the reasons for the trend aren’t clear, it’s likely that changes in lifestyle and environment — starting early in life — are playing a role, researchers say. Read more

What works best to get a crying baby to sleep? A new study hands parents what seems like a miraculous gift: A simple, free technique that takes just 13 minutes to get wailing infants back to dreamland. Read more

Got COVID? Flushing out nasal passages could cut severity. ‘Nasal irrigation’ with a saline solution twice a day can significantly reduce a COVID patient’s risk of hospitalization and death, one study found. Read more

Out-of-pocket costs for cancer care keep rising. Bills paid by patients went up more than 15% between 2009 and 2016, to more than $6,000 for those being treated for breast, colon and lung cancers, a new report found. Read more

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