All posts by LadyLively

  • Help for High Blood Pressure

    A special hypertension program, including a single pill, improves blood pressure control dramatically.

    • Posted August 21, 2013
    • 1
  • Fruit and Your Blood Vessels

    Eating more fruit may protect you from a dangerous condition involving one of your main blood vessels.

    • Posted August 20, 2013
    • 16
  • Chemical Concerns

    How do two common chemicals found in plastic products impact children?

    • Posted August 19, 2013
    • 17
  • Breastfeeding Benefit for Mom

    Breastfeeding for more than 6 months may protect you from breast cancer, regardless of family history.

    • Posted August 15, 2013
    • 2
  • Sports-related Sudden Death

    Should all recreational athletes undergo cardiovascular screenings to help prevent sudden death?

    • Posted August 14, 2013
    • 17
  • Boys, Girls and Childhood Obesity

    Does gender matter when it comes to risk factors for childhood obesity?

    • Posted August 12, 2013
    • 12
  • Poison Ivy Warning

    High temps and high rainfall have produced a bumper crop of poison ivy this summer.

    • Posted August 9, 2013
    • 17
  • Chocolate Fix?

    Here's sweet news about hot cocoa and protecting your brain power as you age.

    • Posted August 8, 2013
    • 9
  • Honey, You’ve Gained a Little Weight!

    When your significant other encourages you to diet, will it help or hinder your efforts to lose a few?

    • Posted August 7, 2013
    • 7
  • What’s Causing Memory Loss?

    Anemia and low iron levels may increase your risk of dementia.

    • Posted August 1, 2013
    • 11