Americans Are Worried About Costs of Healthcare, Survey Says

By on January 16, 2025

President-elect Donald Trump faces deep skepticism that his administration’s policies will make health care more affordable, a new Gallup poll says.

Nearly half the U.S. public (46%) says the country is headed in the wrong direction when it comes to Trump’s proposals to lower the cost of health care, the results show.

And 48% said they doubt Trump and Congress will enact policies to bring down the costs of health care and prescription drugs, compared with 32% who are optimistic.

“The average U.S. adult is pessimistic about the new administration’s healthcare policies aimed at reducing cost,” Gallup concluded in its report on the new survey.

Specifically, the survey found that:

  • 56% of Americans think the Trump administration will not prioritize protecting Medicare and Social Security.

  • 63% said little will be done to increase access to mental health care.

  • 57% believe there will be little action on lowering prescription drug costs.

  • 58% don’t think insulin costs will be capped at $35 for everyone.

  • 60% don’t think Medicare’s ability to negotiate with pharma companies on drug prices will be expanded.

As might be expected, these feelings about the direction of health care fall largely along partisan lines.

Democrats are overwhelmingly pessimistic (84%), along with nearly half of independents (48%).

More than half of independents (54%) say they’re pessimistic that the Trump administration will reduce health care costs, and 49% don’t think drug prices will drop.

Overall, more than nine in 10 Democrats and at least six in 10 independents do not think the Trump administration will prioritize health care or prescription drug costs.

On the other hand, nearly three-quarters (73%) of Republicans think the country is headed in the right direction when it comes to health care, the poll found.

More than three-quarters of Republicans are optimistic Trump and Congress will lower health care costs (76%) and prescription drug prices (78%).

“Despite the political divide, Americans experience the consequences of a high-priced healthcare system in similar ways,” the Gallup report says.

Prior research has shown that a third or more of Republicans, Democrats and independents worry their household will be unable to pay for needed healthcare, Gallup said.

Middle-aged folks of all political stripes also are worried about the future of Medicare as well. About 71% of Democrats, 66% of independents and 62% of Republicans under age 65 are worried or extremely worried Medicare will no longer be available when they become eligible.

Republicans and Democrats also agree that mental health care and substance-abuse treatment should be covered by insurers, and that Medicare should cover home care, Gallup says.

“Americans may be divided on who they believe will best lead the country toward an improved healthcare system, yet they remain united in their desire for better policies that tackle the challenge of affording and accessing needed care in the country today,” the poll report says.

Gallup conducted this poll in partnership with West Health, a family of nonprofit and nonpartisan organizations focused on health care and aging.

The poll took place Nov. 11-18 and included 3,583 adults 18 or older. The margin of error is plus or minus 2.1 percentage points.

More information

KFF has more about potential health care policies during the second Trump administration.

SOURCE: Gallup, news release, Jan. 15, 2025

Source: HealthDay

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