Health Highlights: Sept.19, 2022​

By on September 19, 2022

Tea might lower your odds for diabetes. In new study, drinking four or more cups of black, green or oolong tea every day was linked to a 17% lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes over the course of a decade. Read more

Umbilical cords could be lifesavers for fragile newborns. ‘Non-vigorous’ babies, born limp with minimal breathing, may benefit from a new strategy that pushes blood in the umbilicus into their tiny bodies, researchers say. Read more

Over 7 million U.S. seniors have mental declines that threaten financial skills. That could leave them open to scammers and get in the way of managing bill payments and investments, the authors of a new study say. Read more.

Social media challenges have kids misusing common OTC meds. Ever tried cooking chicken in Nyquil? That’s a common online ‘dare’ for kids, and the FDA issued a warning that parents should caution adolescents against dangerous challenges like these. Read more

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