Health Tip: When Potty Training Doesn’t Go Well

By on July 14, 2016

If your child seems ready but struggles with potty training, parents should try to figure out why.

The University of Michigan Health System suggests:

  • If your child doesn’t seem interested, consider stopping potty training and trying again after a couple of weeks.
  • Skip disposable training pants and opt for cloth, which will help your child feel wetness.
  • Praise your child for doing well, but do not punish or get angry with your child for setbacks.
  • Don’t worry if your child still has accidents at night. This usually ends by about age 6.
  • Don’t pressure your child, which may result in your child holding a stool and causing constipation. Don’t give your child a laxative unless the pediatrician recommends so.
  • Offer positive reinforcement for notifying you and recognizing the need to go if your child asks for a diaper to have a bowel movement. Encourage your child to have the bowel movement in the bathroom.

Source: HealthDay

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